How To Place An Order

  1. Find a product of your liking
  2. Click Customise
  3. Upload the relevant files (according to the extension requirements)
  4. Buy Now (if the order is complete) Or Add To Cart (to continue Shopping)
    • If you choose “Add to cart”, Repeat steps 1 to 4 till your heart’s content
  5. Choose the checkout method. Guest or Returning Visitor
  6. Fill in the Billing Information (Your payment Cards registered address)
    • You may choose this as your shipping address if that’s the same address you would like your products to be delivered to.
  7. Fill in Shipping Information (The address you want the products to be delivered to)
  8. Choose a Shipping Method
  9. Fill in Payment Information (Apply Coupon and/or Your card details)
  10. Review your order
  11. Upon completion of the Order Please Add to your email list to receive notifications regarding the purchase.

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